Scania are running their global Young Truck Driver of the Year competition again this year and have released a reality TV style video to crank up the publicity machine for the competitions as they unfold in many countries around the world. So far, the Scania organisation here in Australia have not announced whether they will be holding a competition for the Young Australian Truck Driver of the Year. However, the event has been successful for them in the past, so we can be pretty sure the event will be going ahead later in the year.
The essence of the competition is simple. A number of rounds of tests to see who is the most complete truck driver. Not only driving skills, but safety awareness and the kind of diplomacy all truckies need are also included in the equation.
Perhaps the most positive side to the YATD competition is the chance it gives for the really good guys and galls, who make the trucking industry such a great industry to get involved in, a chance for their moment in the limelight. Let’s hope seeing the experience of the driver in the video doesn’t deter drivers from putting their skills on the line!