Nominations for the 2012 Craig Roseneder award are now open. The award recognises technical and maintenance excellence in the workshop by an individual, and celebrates the professionalism of the men and women who work behind the scenes in the trucking industry’s workshops.
The award will be presented on October 15 at the Castrol awards dinner held during the Technical & Maintenance conference. The event, organised by the Australian Trucking Association (ATA) and Australian Road Transport Suppliers Association (ARTSA), will this year be staged in Melbourne.
The winner of this year’s award will receive a trip to the American Trucking Associations’ Technology and Maintenance Council annual meeting and the Transportation Technology Exhibition in Florida, USA. The prize includes return airfares, full registration at the conference, five nights of premium conference accommodation, partners’ program registration, if applicable, and $1500 spending money. The prize also includes complimentary registration to the 2013 ATA/ARTSA Technical and Maintenance conference.
Brian ‘Spud’ Murphy, fleet manager at DirectHaul, won the Craig Roseneder award in 2011. His achievements include the introduction of industry health and safety procedures such as vehicle fault reporting, isolation lockouts and the emergency management of tanker rollovers. He has also implemented a number of initiatives to improve customer service and the business.
“There are a lot of highly regarded and innovative people in the industry who have won this award in the past, and to be listed with them is quite an honour,” ‘Spud’ said, adding that he’d gained a lot from his trip to the USA.
“It’s well worth the opportunity to go and see how one of the biggest transport industries in the world works. The networking alone makes it worthwhile – I was able to make first point contact with several major suppliers and manufacturers, and can now use these channels to get direct assistance from those companies.”
Chief executive of the ATA, Stuart St Clair, said nominees for the award would need to have at least five years of experience in their field, and have a high level of skill, aptitude and dedication to the industry.
“The previous winners of this prestigious award include Graham Nash from Mountain Industries, Merv Rowlands from Boral Transport and Tony Rawson from Brisbane City Council,” he said.
Nominations must be received by Monday, September 17. To make a nomination for the Craig Rosendeder award or to find out more, go to: