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What is C-ITS?

Slated to make the next quantum leap in road safety C-ITS, or Co-operative Intelligent Transport System, is to be trialled in trucks on Australian roads later this year. This follows a car-based trial in South Australia which is ongoing.


The truck trial will involve 30 trucks travelling up and down Mount Ousley between Port Kembla and the Hume Highway/Picton Road intersection. Trucks will be fitted with devices designed to communicate with other vehicles and 10 roadside units involved in the trial.



The units broadcast information about the truck’s position, direction and speed. Communication between trucks will enhance safety by warning when another vehicle is approaching but out of sight and can warn of potential crashes.


Road works will be able to communicate their position to trucks and warn them of potential hold-ups. The system will also be used to improve truck flow in and out of the Port Kembla dockside area. Traffic lights will communicate their current status and how long before they will change colour to the vehicle, enabling the driver to adapt driving accordingly.


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