Using the NHVR’s New National Network Map

Using the NHVR’s new National Network Map

NHVR CEO, Sal Petroccitto reckons using the NHVR’s National Network Map could be a crucial change to the operations of the transport industry.

In 2024, the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) is continuing to advance industry standards and improve how truck drivers access routing information on Australian roads, writes Sal.

Last December, we were thrilled to release our highly anticipated National Network Map.

Through this new map, the NHVR has delivered a national first for the heavy vehicle industry.

Though it has never been possible before, the National Network Map now allows operators to view where they can travel, and where they need to seek access approval, Australian-wide.

The NHVR has worked closely with our jurisdictional partners, including South Australia, Victoria, New South Wales, Queensland, and the Australian Capital Territory, to transition their networks and create one central location for all map information.

Improving how industry accesses our services

Designed to improve efficiency and decision-making for industry and road managers alike, the National Network Map is accessible through both web browser and our NHVR Portal.

The NHVR is committed to providing all regulatory services through the Portal and has been working to transform it into a ‘heavy vehicle business centre’.

The National Network Map is just one of the ways we will see our Portal become the single, authoritative location for all of industry’s needs and we will continue to work with state jurisdictions and industry groups to ensure our Portal delivers.

This means the Portal will also include access permits, accreditation, registration details, and more.

Over the next few months, we will continue to see it evolve, to deliver a seamless experience for operators and road managers alike.

Releasing the National Network Map has been a major step in our technological innovations, and reflects the direction the NHVR sees the heavy vehicle industry moving towards.

The map has been built to be intuitive for the user, with visual cues including a traffic light colour scheme to denote access, and conditional and restricted roads easily identifiable.

The National Network Map also includes direct links to operator guides, information sheets and legal instruments, making it easier for operators to access all the information they need to use a network.

Image: NHVR

Search for your networks based on specific vehicles

The National Network Map is the first of its kind through its transition each of the state maps, however we see its benefits extending beyond this.

While operators can search the National Network Map by state networks, one of the most innovative functions is the ability to search by vehicle category.

Searching by vehicle category provides a vehicle-centred approach to find networks and targets new users who are not familiar with access instruments.

Within the map, vehicles are grouped according to configuration and sub-configuration.

Current maps do not provide full lists of eligible vehicles, requiring operators to look up operator guides or the legal instrument itself, leading to misunderstanding of which networks truly apply.

Selecting from vehicle types and seeing nationally where the vehicle can access provides better visibility, and improves fleet management decision-making.

With over 1,000 different vehicle configurations included, and each associated with its applicable maps, this has taken the guess work out of it for operators, giving a level of detail that has never been available before in the jurisdictional websites.

Benefits beyond just industry

Another benefit of the map is the ability for road managers to make real-time changes to networks. Currently, changes to maps involve specialist teams and email-based change requests.

With the National Network Map, following completion of approval, updates are automatically included in network maps.
This means a richer set of information is displayed on the National Network Map to help plan safer journeys, including clear indication of railway crossings and traffic light intersections.

An in-built portal workflow for road managers facilitates immediate updates to networks on the National Network Map and will be improved over time with Road Manager Network Management tools. Any updates which expand network access can be published immediately.

Any updates which condition, restrict or remove access (except in cases of emergency) are required by the Heavy Vehicle National Law to go through 28- day consultation providing forward visibility of such changes to enable operators to better plan for network changes.

Upon completion of this 28-days, the change will be automatically visible on the map.

What’s next?

The National Network Map is designed to continually expand and improve, with routing and the ability to generate printable route cards to be added over the next six months.

The NHVR will also work on digitalising all maps associated with pre-approvals and continue to work with local government road managers to develop faster turnaround for these pre-approval maps.

A huge amount of work has been undertaken to get to this stage, and we are proud the NHVR can continue delivering technology upgrades to ensure a safer and more efficient heavy vehicle industry. To find out more about the new National Network Map, visit the NHVR website.


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