In recent years there has been a number of serious incidents involving split rim and multi-piece wheels, including a number of fatalities. In response, NSW WorkCover has produced a special safety video, and a dedicated web page, in an effort to ensure businesses know the risks.
People have been killed or seriously injured when inflating a pneumatic tyre or removing a wheel from a vehicle. An exploding wheel barrow tyre has been known to cause fatal injuries. There are a number of hazards associated with certain tyre-wheel assemblies, particularly split rims (divided wheels) and multi-piece wheels.
To be safe and before loosening the fasteners to remove a split rim or multi-piece wheel from a vehicle, deflate the tyre, it is essential to deflate both tyres when dealing with dual wheels. Serious injuries have been caused when loosening the fasteners on a cracked wheel without deflating the tyre, and when loosening the fasteners that hold two halves of a split rim together (instead of the wheel nuts) while the tyre is inflated.
Sometimes the passage in the valve stem can remain blocked after the valve core has been removed. It is vital to clear these blocks with a flexible wire or similar device.
Full information is available on the Workcover website.