
Moorebank IMT market briefings

An artist's impression of proposed Moorebank IMT

Market briefings are being held in late May 2012 for businesses interested in participating in the Australian government’s Moorebank Intermodal Terminal (IMT) Project.

The briefings, to be managed by the project’s lead adviser KPMG, have been arranged in response to strong interest from the private sector – including freight operations, construction and logistics businesses – towards participating in the project.

In response KPMG has arranged market briefings in Sydney the week commencing Monday, May 21 at the offices of KPMG.

The government proposes to let tenders for the design, construction and operation of the IMT and will begin procurement in mid-2013, following establishment of a Government Business Enterprise in January 2013 to manage the process.

“During the preparation of the detailed business case for the IMT, a market soundings process was held that included more than 40 companies involved in freight operations, logistics, consigning and project finance,” a project spokesperson said. “That process indicated there was a strong appetite for private sector delivery and use of the IMT if government was able to facilitate the provision of a site.”

Expressions of interest in attendance at the briefings can be made by emailing Rebecca Drescher-Boulos at

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