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Legal action on ad scam

Last year the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator (NHVR) issued warnings to industry as a result of the activities of Countrywide Marketing (ACN 162 535 622). The organisation appeared to be trying to misrepresent itself to sell advertising space in a publication characterised as the ‘NHVR Roadbook’ or ‘National Heavy Vehicle Roadbook’.


In a number of announcements through the year, the NHVR made it very clear the publications had nothing to do with the regulator. The notices warned potential advertisers who may have been confused by the similarity of the abbreviations used.


The NHVR have now come out and stated, “Despite requests from the NHVR to Countrywide Marketing and its director, Mr Timothy O’Keefe, to cease using words and images that might imply a connection with the Regulator, Countrywide Marketing has continued to issue publications and communicate with industry participants selling advertising in the Roadbook (and more recently the ‘National Heavy Vehicle Compliance Guide’ and the ‘NHVR Regulations on Disc’) in a way that may have the effect of misleading industry participants into thinking there is a connection between Countrywide Marketing, the proposed publications, and the NHVR.”


As a result, the NHVR initiated legal proceedings in the Federal Court of Australia against Countrywide Marketing Pty Ltd, a related company – NHVR Pty Ltd (ACN 169 150 190), and the sole director of both companies, Timothy O’Keefe, with a view to preventing such further conduct and representations.


The NHVR warn, “If you are approached by anyone purporting to sell advertising space on behalf of the NHVR, and you are uncertain about the nature of their publication, please contact us first to check whether there is any connection to the NHVR.”


The number to call is: 1300 MYNHVR (1300 696 487).

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