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Keep your hands off campaign

This country music ad campaign by the NSW Government aims to reduce texting by drivers and has been launched by the NSW Minister for Roads and Ports, Duncan Gay. The next stage of the ‘Get Your Hand Off It’ road safety campaign on mobile phone distraction now has three different ads, featuring three different musical genres, to get the ‘no texting while driving’ message across.

“It’s been hugely successful in sparking awareness of the risks. Our first You Tube video featuring Derek received more than 620,000 hits before being expanded to mainstream media,” said Gay at the ad launch. “I’m delighted to launch new country, rock and hip hop clips, that will also become our next TV and radio advertisements. These new videos continue to follow Derek’s misadventures as he crashes his car while Instagramming his latte.”

So here are the other genres, depending on your personal music choice:

Hip Hop:


This is the original ad, launched last year, which set the ‘Get your hands off it’ ball rolling:

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