Isuzu Australia Limited (IAL) has awarded its three inaugural best-performing Isuzu truck dealerships for their sales, service and parts department achievements during a recent ceremony held in Melbourne.
The wining Dealerships were: ‘Best Sales’, OG Roberts, SA; for outstanding team effort in new vehicle sales and delivery; ‘Best Service and Customer Satisfaction’, Midcoast Trucks, NSW and ‘Best Parts Operation’ was won by Gilbert and Roach Huntingwood, NSW.
The awards were introduced this year as a part of an annual national evaluation program to reward Dealerships who exceed criteria stipulated by Isuzu.
Business Planning Manager and Company Secretary, Paul Evans, said that the awards were a great incentive for the Dealerships to do their best and to recognise outstanding performance by the departmental team.
The evaluation criteria included areas such as presentation standards, customer care, training attendance, inventory management and activity-based KPI measurements.
“To receive the top score, a department must excel in all these areas, irrespective of a Dealership’s size and volume,” Mr Evans said.
Mr Evans said that the awards would encourage Dealerships to keep improving their operations, with customers being the greatest beneficiaries.
“With several of the key evaluation criteria relating to dealings with customers, they can expect to receive even greater levels of care and attention across the Isuzu Dealer Network,” he said.
“We congratulate the three Dealerships and their employees on their hard work this year – they have set a high benchmark for 2013.”