
Ian Macfarlane to speak at ComVec

Ian Macfarlane

The Commercial Vehicle Industry Association of Queensland (CVIAQ) will present Australia’s first dedicated commercial vehicle engineering conference – ComVec – at the new Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre (BCEC) on June 5 and 6.

The event has been fully endorsed by Engineers Australia Queensland Division, the Institute of Automotive Mechanical Engineers and the Society of Automotive Engineers Australasia. It will feature specialist industry and government speakers selected on their ability to provide information on technology at the cutting edge as well as insights and direction on future developments of heavy vehicle design, policy and standards.

“ComVec builds on the successful CVIAQ future directions seminars held in 2010 and 2011 and will provide the future direction of commercial vehicle innovation, technology, policy and standards for our industry,” said CVIAQ chief executive Brett Wright. “ComVec is also uniquely dedicated to the professional development of the industry, in particular those professionals engaged in the engineering, product development and planning of commercial vehicles and their components.”

The keynote speech will be presented by Ian Macfarlane, shadow minister for energy and resources and federal member for Groom (Toowoomba region), who was first elected to federal parliament in 1998.

Prior to becoming one of the country’s most active ‘agripoliticians’, Macfarlane farmed cattle in Queensland’s Burnett region and held executive positions within a number of agricultural associations. Ian’s nickname “Chainsaw” is said to reflect his direct approach to cutting through red tape to get things done for Australian business and industry at a political level.

In addition to Ian Macfarlane, conference speakers will include:
? Stephen Spencer from the Department of Infrastructure and Transport speaking on United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) regulations, harmonisation, the road vehicle certification system and type approvals;
? Bruce Hodgins from Westport Innovations who will provide a liquefied natural gas (LNG) fuel, technology and infrastructure update;
? Dr Linda Rasmussen from the Department of Infrastructure & Transport talking about the next stage in heavy vehicle emission standards – ADR80/04;
? Mark Johnson from Haulmark Trailers describing developments in modular B-triples, advanced intermodal solutions and future innovative combinations.

For the full list of speakers and official program visit

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