News, Trucks

FYH 2000s at work for Perth-based CTI Logistics

isuzu-fyh-2000s-a-good-package-for-wa-logistics-experts-kxwbtfmnFrom push bikes to prime movers and everything in between, Perth-based CTI Logistics has a mixed and varied distribution fleet that has recently grown with the addition of four new heavy duty Isuzu FYH 2000 8x4s.

The company’s fleet is one of the largest in Perth, and is put to good use providing its clients with everything from courier deliveries, taxi truck services, freight collection and storage and distribution, to heavy haulage and line hau, as well as fleet management and warehousing.

CTI Logistics’ core management team has a vast knowledge across a myriad of transport and logistics disciplines, allowing the company to provide a total package to customers.

The innovative and strategically focused company was established in 1974 and has a corporate head office located in West Perth, as well as warehouse and service locations throughout Perth and major regional centres in Western Australia.

With 564 employees and 580 independent contractors working from these locations, CTI Logistics is well resourced to meet the ongoing demand it experiences as one of Perth’s most sought-after logistics service providers.

The new Isuzu FYH 2000s are used as taxi trucks for one-off or oversized deliveries of palletised product around Perth. They join a fleet of 38 other Isuzu trucks which includes FVZ 1400s, FRR 500s, FRR 600s, NQR 450s and Gigas.

The FYH 2000s are fitted with 7.2 metre 12 pallet curtain sider bodies built by Park Body Builders in Perth, while tag-along trailers carry terrain forklifts for loading/unloading duties. The trucks feature auxiliary power for the folding ramps and other accessories.

According to Managing Director, Mark Cameron, when choosing a new truck, the company has a comprehensive evaluation process that includes assessing truck suitability for the work performed and considering areas such as aftersales support, maintenance costs, fuel consumption and resale value.

“The FYH 2000 fits the bill for us with its GVM of 30,000 kg,” Mark said.

“This model has great power output (257 kW @ 2,000 RPM) for towing coupled with a fully automated transmission (heavy duty 6-speed automatic Allison 4430 Series) which is an important feature for us.

“The support we received from the Major Motors Isuzu dealership was second to none. They were able to deliver what we wanted within our very tight deadline.

“We operate 24/7 so it’s important the vehicles we use are reliable and can handle long stints on the road.”

Mark said CTI Logistics understands council and corporate clients must adhere to stringent OH&S requirements.

“The trucks come with a standard ECE-R29 compliant cab which allows us to meet clients’ OH&S needs,” he said.

“Over the next 12 months we expect to purchase around eight replacement trucks and most of these will be Isuzu.”

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