
Draft minimum entitlements for truckies delivered by Tribunal – call for submissions

The Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal (RSRT) has issued its first draft Road Safety Remuneration Order (draft RSRO).RSRT

The draft RSRO applies to all sectors of the road transport industry identified in the RSRT’s 1st Annual Work Program, specifically the: retail, livestock, bulk grain, interstate long distance and intrastate long distance sectors.

The draft RSRO sets out minimum entitlements and requirements for the road transport drivers in the identified sectors, their employers or hirers, and participants in the supply chain in relation to them. The draft order includes clauses regarding:

  • Safe driving plans
  • Payment time
  • Contracts
  • Work payments
  • Clothing provision or reimbursement
  • Drug and alcohol policies
  • Training
  • Whistleblower protection
  • Dispute resolution

In addition, the President of the Tribunal, the Honourable Jennifer Acton, has indicated she will convene a conference on the issue of rates of payment for the road transport drivers covered by the draft order.

The draft RSRO comes after extensive consultation with interested stakeholders in the road transport industry, including 24 visits to transport and logistics sites across Australia. The RSRT will now undertake further consultation regarding the draft order before determining if a final and enforceable RSRO should be issued.

Written submissions regarding the draft RSRO can be made to the RSRT by no later than midday Friday, 26 July 2013. The RSRT will conduct hearings on the draft RSRO in Sydney, with video links to other capital cities, from 13-16 August 2013.

The draft RSRO and accompanying Statement are available on the RSRT website at

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