
Detect Speed Limiter Tampering with MyFleet GPS tracking.

MyFleet GPS tracking can detect speed limiter tampering sending you an instant SMS or Email.

Under the ‘chain of responsibility’, owners, managers and contractors of transport companies can be held responsible for speed limiter tampering within heavy vehicles in their fleet. MyFleet’s new, sophisticated reporting tool provides organisations with peace of mind, knowing that instances of speed limiter tampering will be reported at the time of incident and can be dealt with immediately.

Recent police investigations have revealed that some trucks have had speed limiters illegally tampered with. By comparing a truck’s recorded engine speed with its GPS speed, MyFleet is able to verify that an on-board computer is accurately recording the vehicle’s speed. With this information, MyFleet can immediately alert the organisation to a potential instance of speed limiter tampering.

As part of its suite of GPS tracking and Fleet Management tools, MyFleet can also provide real-time reports covering vehicle location, fuel use, duress alarm, driver identification, speeding and more.

To increase safety, compliance and reduce costs in your fleet, contact MyFleet for a free information pack.

www.my-fleet.com | sales@my-fleet.com | (02) 49 252 333

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