2023 BIG JOE LPJ33

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Koala Forklifts

186 Newton Road

Wetherill Park, NSW

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Title 2023 BIG JOE LPJ33
Type Forklifts
Sub Type Pallet Trucks
Model LPJ33
Year 2023
Sale Price $2,178
Listing Type New
Stock Number LPJ33
RefCode TA1079387
CategoryPowered Pallet Trucks
Load Capacity - kg1500


Lithium-Ion Battery
Small & Compact
1500 Kg Capacity
115Kg Weight with battery

LPJ33 is a simple, smart, and strong pallet truck. It has simple designed structure and easy maintenance. It uses smart lithium technology, and it is equipped with an internal charger that can run continuously for four hours with only one charging. It has a smart handle that makes it operated easily, which saves the labour compared to hand pallet truck. Finally, it can load 1.5 tons with only 115kg service weight.

LPJ33 is the perfect tool for everyone replacing a manual hand pallet truck. Due to the strong chassis, integrated battery & charger as well as the newly designed foot protection, it is the perfect tool for transport industry as well as the retail application.

LPJ33 uses lithium batteries and built-in chargers, so it can be used even when charged. It saves worries about the endurance and there is no need for a special charging area.

LPJ33 is lifted by electricity and lowered manually, there is no need to worry about damaging goods by uncontrollable lowering.
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