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Descending Mount Ousley

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This video features truckie Pat Armstrong giving vital information on how to descend the infamous Mount Ousley in New South Wales.

It is particularly timely given the recent number of serious incident that have taken place on the steep descents, as well as at the Bulli Pass.

The National Heavy Vehicle Regulator put out a warning to drivers earlier in the week, telling them to ensure that they are travelling down steep descents as safely as possible.

“Over the past few years, we have seen many trucks lose control down these steep descents, leading to serious damage to both vehicles and infrastructure, delays and serious road trauma,” says NHVR Director of Central Region Brett Patterson.

“Just last month, there was a tragic fatal incident on Bulli Pass where a truck travelling down the descent went through the guardrail and down an embankment at the hairpin bend.

“The NHVR is also aware of several dangerous close calls, where heavy vehicles have had to use safety ramps or arrester beds to avoid an incident.

“Drivers shouldn’t over-rely on brakes, as they can overheat – by selecting a low enough gear that they can descend without use of the service brake, the service brake can be used in an emergency without having the brake overheat.

“Drivers and operators should also frequently be inspecting and maintaining their brakes, faulty brakes can drastically reduce the ability to stop safely, particularly in emergencies.”

You can find out more information in the video below.

Mount Ousley



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