Two topics came up at the joint conference from the Australian Livestock and Rural Transporters Association and the Livestock and Rural Transporters of Western Australia, which are of concern for the rural transport industry, among other things, and these were discussions around the new Heavy Vehicle National Law and the appointment of a new Executive Director of the national body.
HVNL Discussions
“ALRTA is working on effective discussions to influence Heavy Vehicle National Law reforms, biosecurity and response plans, PBS, NVD declarations, telematics conditions, road construction standards, truck wash standards and low traffic density rules in heavy vehicle charging,” said Scott McDonald, President of the ALRTA. “It’s a big agenda, and that’s what we’re here for.
“Mat Munro, our National Executive Director for the past 10 years has been promoted to become the CEO of the Australian Trucking Association. In his time with us he strengthened the ALRTA’s governance finance and operational capacity. He also had many policy wins on our behalf and demonstrated that the federation of state associations has real clout when we work together for a common cause.
“Mat’s promotion is good news for the trucking industry as a whole, he takes with him a deep understanding of rural road transport, a flair for finding common ground and the ability to influence decision makers. I know he will put this to good use at the ATA and we wish him luck.”
In recent years, the ALRTA has secured an exemption from new financial laws which would have prevented operators from attaining unnecessary insurance before journeys. It has improved the livestock standstill rules that will apply in the event of foot and mouth disease outbreak. It has established a national standard for loading ramps and forcing yards, and also built several free effluent disposal facilities in South Australia and Victoria. The national association has also registered an industry Code of Practice for managing livestock and effluent issues.
“Without our associations working together, these achievements simply would not have happened,” said Scott. “By working together into the future, I know that the association will continue to make a real difference to the safety, viability, sustainability and be a driver of animal welfare.
A new Executive Director
“I’m really really pleased to have joined the ALRTA as Executive Director,” said Rachel Smith in her first address to the rural transport industry. “I was at the Australian Logistics Council for about two years and I really enjoyed the transport sector. So it’s been great to come back. It’s an issues rich environment, as they say in policy.
“There’s issues that will tick along, but there’ll be some fires to put out and some fights to have, and I’m really looking forward to doing that. What you can probably expect to see from the ALRTA is an increase in the public image and engaging more with the communities that industry works in.
“I’m really looking forward to getting out to some of the businesses, seeing trucks on the road and getting out there and seeing all the industry facilities. I grew up in country Queensland, in between Brisbane and Warwick, and was running around on farms with my brothers and cousins, so I’m really looking forward to getting back out into the regions.”
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