Step Global solution, Smart eDriver

Step Global solution, Smart eDriver 

While some of the new electronic work diaries, approved by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator are parts of a broader telematics platform which will deliver a number of diverse services and sets of data for a trucking operator, it is the Step Global solution, Smart eDriver which is the outlier. 
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getting rid of the logbook

Getting Rid of the Logbook

The truck driving community may finally be getting rid of the logbook, but only if they start using the electronic work diary. PowerTorque tests one of them out in the real world.
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EWDs are like buses

EWDs Are Like Buses

On the evidence of a series of announcements in the last few weeks, it would seem that EWDs are like buses, you wait around for what seems like years for one to come along and then four come one after the other. This month another two electronic work diaries have popped their heads above the parapet and are due to be fully approved. 
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EWDs are like buses

An EWD Finally Gets Up

Truck drivers in Australia will finally be able to replace their paper work diary with an electronic work diary, as an EWD finally gets up through the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator’s certification system.
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EWDs Are Coming

The latest move by the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator mean EWDs are coming. The minimum performance based standards for an Electronic Work Diary which the NHVR will pass as compliant have been released.
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