Do away with road access permits

Heavier Axle Masses Required

In the race to zero emissions, there are new challenges ahead with heavier axle masses required. Battery electric vehicles are known to be considerably heavier than the equivalent internal combustion alternative.
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looking for resilience

Looking for Resilience

In recent years the team at Blenners Transport has been looking for resilience and looking at drive axle specification. The fleet, based in Tully North Queensland and specialising in  refrigerated transport, especially bananas, has settled on a choice which seems to be working well for this hard working fleet.
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post flooding maintenance tips

Post Flooding Maintenance Tips

If a heavy vehicle gets trapped in deep floodwater, a detailed and comprehensive maintenance program is required before it can be returned to service, here are some post flooding maintenance tips.
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Choosing the right bearing grease

Choosing the Right Wheel Bearing Grease

Choosing the right bearing grease lubricant for your trailer has never been more complicated. The range of lubricants now available makes choosing the right one for your application like solving an ever-growing puzzle. 
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down-speeding and the powertrain

Down-Speeding and the Powertrain

Engine development has been evolving in recent years and Tech Know looks at the effect of down-speeding and the powertrain, and how it significantly alters the engine torque curve. The rate at which a low emission engine reaches full-rated torque is much quicker, which places a much greater load on the drivetrain system. 
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