new accreditation expert appointed

New Accreditation Expert Appointed

TruckSafe has chosen Geoff Casey as it was looking to see a new accreditation expert appointed as Chair of the TruckSafe Industry Accreditation Council. The council is a vital part of Trucksafe’s comprehensive industry safety standards including a robust third-party auditing system. Read More

Road and Container Charging Plus Portal and Road Trains

This week we are talking about Road and Container Charging Plus Portal and Road Trains in Diesel News. A new road-charging regime will be found for the trucking industry, after a decision by the Transport and Infrastructure Council (TIC) of state and federal transport ministers. The plan is to thoroughly examine the costs and benefits of implementation of independent price regulation and a forward looking cost base, slated to come in 2018–19. The council agreed to freeze heavy vehicle charges at 2017–18 levels for a further two years, to a mixed reaction from industry associations.
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Progress on the Project

Diesel News is looking at progress on the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator project, which is destined to take a long time to reach fruition. The trucking industry has had to wait a long time to see even the glimmer of a rational national regulatory system for heavy vehicles across the country. The many years of competing state legislation creating nightmares for interstate operators and filling the revenue coffers with unwarranted fines are, hopefully, now behind us.
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Ravaglioli Commercial Vehicle Wireless Mobile Column Lifts

Technicians’ Award Nominees

The Australian Trucking Association (ATA) has announced the three finalists for the 2017 Craig Roseneder Award, which recognises technical and maintenance excellence in the trucking industry’s workshops. The judging panel selected Dale Hedley (Vellex, New South Wales), Chris Blanchard (Herb Blanchard Haulage, New South Wales) and Mark Collins (Frasers Livestock Transport, Queensland)for their technical skill, aptitude and dedication to the industry.
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Brett Wright Retires, Victoria Extends Length Allowance, TruckSafe on Infrastructure Projects and Road Building in the Territory

This week in Diesel News, it’s all happening. Brett Wright Retires, Victoria Extends Length Allowance, TruckSafe on Infrastructure Projects and Road Building in the Territory. Heavy Vehicle Industry Association (HVIA) CEO, Brett Wright, has announced his impending retirement from his current role. “It is with many great memories, fondness and pride that I announce my leaving HVIA,” said Wright. “I have been privileged, firstly to have been given the opportunity to work for the Commercial Vehicle Industry Association of Queensland (CVIAQ) all those years ago and then to continue to lead it over the last twenty years culminating in its transformation into a truly national industry body, HVIA, in 2015.”
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Ravaglioli Commercial Vehicle Wireless Mobile Column Lifts

New Board Members for TruckSafe

The changes to the board of TruckSafe, announced this week, will see three new faces involved in the management of the TruckSafe accreditation scheme. The TruckSafe accreditation program welcomed three industry leaders to its Board at its recent meeting in Goulburn. Stephen Marley will continue as TruckSafe Chair. “Safe vehicles, comprehensive management systems and effective driver training are essential to run a safe, professional and viable transport business,” said Marley. “I’m delighted to continue as Chair, particularly with TruckSafe celebrating its 20th anniversary this year.”
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Fatigue and Safety - Talking Turkey About Trucking

Setting The Standard

We have a arrived at a fortunate moment in the development of a truly responsible trucking industry. There is an opportunity to make a real difference and change the paradigm in the way road transport is run and policed. Get it wrong and we will return to the dark ages, get it right and there can be some real gains. The situation at the moment sees the National Heavy Vehicle Regulator with enough credibility with the Transport Ministers in the States and Canberra to be able to try and drive some real effective change. It has the momentum, for now, to get some of the recalcitrant states and their delaying tactics, put back in their box.
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Fatigue and Safety - Talking Turkey About Trucking

What Have We Learned from the RSRT?

There was a great deal of relief late on Monday, when the formal abolition of the Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal was confirmed. A lot of hard work and insistent lobbying got rid of the RSRT and its Orders, aided by a Coalition Government looking for a stick to beat Labor with. Okay, you can take a few days off to recover, but the job is not done. We need to get back out there and continue to campaign, to get some genuine resolution around the issues. The direct link between rates and safety has been put on the back burner, but the unsafe culture in the trucking industry is still out there to be tackled.
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