the eight fundamentals of cold chain asset compliance

Eight Fundamentals of Cold Chain Asset Compliance

The Australian Food Cold Chain Council’s reason for being is to encourage every company working in the cold chain space to to follow the eight fundamentals of cold chain asset compliance, writes Mark Mitchell, Chairman of the AFCCC. But as we know only too well, compliance means different things to different people, and the assets used in the cold chain are often forgotten about.
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air flow can be tricky

Air Flow Can Be Tricky

Mark Mitchell, Chairman of the Australian Food Cold Chain Council (AFCCC) explains the issues around the way a refrigerated load is loaded , and its effect on the efficiency of the refrigeration, because air flow can be tricky.
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effort to limit this country's horrendous food wastage

Effort to Limit This Country’s Horrendous Food Wastage

Up until a few of months ago, many organisations involved in moving chilled food from farm or manufacturing facility to consumers were happy in their isolation, giving lip service to calls for greater effort to limit this country’s horrendous food wastage by applying quality management systems to their whole process writes Mark Mitchell, Chairman of the Australian Food Cold Chain Council (AFCCC).
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maybe the fast food industry should be delivering the Covid vaccine

Fast Food Industry Should be Delivering the Covid Vaccine

Mark Mitchell, Chairman of the Australian Food Cold Chain Council (AFCCC) is asking a simple question, maybe the fast food industry should be delivering the Covid vaccine? Those looking at distributing the Covid-19 vaccine should get some tips from our cold chain professionals. Read More
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