
ATA announce finalists for the 2013 Craig Roseneder Award

The Australian Trucking Association has announced the three finalists for the 2013 Craig Roseneder Award.

The Craig Roseneder Award recognises technical and maintenance excellence in the workshop by an individual, and celebrates the professionalism of the men and women who work behind the scenes in the trucking industry’s workshops.

ATA Chairman David Simon said nominees for the award needed to have at least five years of experience in their field and a high level of skill, aptitude and dedication to the industry.

“The 2012 winner of the award was John Schulze, who was at the time the Mechanical Services Manager of FBT Transwest in Victoria. He had been with FBT Transwest since he was an apprentice motor mechanic, and in that time had developed unique processes and equipment, including a quad axle side loader,” Mr Simon said.

“The three finalists for the 2013 award are all outstanding, and have all demonstrated a high level of expertise and professionalism.”

The 2013 Craig Roseneder finalists are:

  • Tony      Hardman (South West Freight, Mt Gambier, SA)
  • Laeton      Hardy (Hardy’s Haulage, Pottsville, NSW)
  • Wayne      Merrick (Boral Logistics, Prestons, NSW)

The winner of the 2013 award will receive a trip to the American Trucking Associations’ 2014 Technology & Maintenance Council Annual Meeting and Transportation Technology Exhibition in Nashville, Tennessee and $A1,500 in spending money.

The winner will also receive complimentary registration to the Australian trucking industry’s premier technical event for 2014, the 2014 PACCAR and Dealer TMC, presented by the ATA and the Australian Road Transport Suppliers’ Association.

The award winner will be announced on Monday 28 October 2013 at the Castrol Vecton Awards Dinner, part of the 2013 PACCAR and Dealer TMC. To purchase a ticket for the dinner or to register for TMC2013, visit

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