The Commercial Vehicle Industry Association of Queensland (CVIAQ) Apprentice of the Year award is an annual award open to apprentices of CVIAQ members from the heavy vehicle repair, service and manufacturing sectors who are finalising their formal training in 2012.
Nominated apprentices will compete for awards including:
? Apprentice of the Year
? High Achievement
? Certificate of Merit
Entrants must be nominated by their employer and each is judged following an interview with a panel of members appointed by the Association with the assessment based on a series of selection criteria.
The High Achievement and Certificate of Merit awards are presented at the judges’ discretion to candidates considered to have excelled in their field.
Member companies may nominate up to two apprentices from any trade calling including heavy vehicle mechanic – road transport, auto electrical, bus, truck and trailer manufacture etc.
Member companies based in regionalQueenslandor which have branches in regionalQueenslandare also encouraged to nominate apprentices. However, a maximum of two nominations per trade calling per member company applies.
Interviews will be conducted, where possible, via a video conference link through the TAFE colleges.
The awards presentation will take place at the CVIAQ Awards Night (previously known as the Annual Dinner & Awards Night) to be held at the XXXX Ale House, Milton on Wednesday, October 10.
Nomination forms can be downloaded from the CVIAQ website:
Nominations close on Friday, August 24.