Major changes are happening to the Intelligent Access Program (IAP) to make it more relevant to transport operators. The IAP is a sophisticated big brother technology that makes sure heavy vehicles go where they are supposed to on the road network but has been openly criticised for its structure and pricing mechanisms.
Mr Chris Koniditsiotis, the Chief Executive Officer of TCA, said changes are under way after New South Wales Transport Minister Duncan Gay asked TCA ways to respond to concerns raised by some within the transport industry about the flexibility and cost of the IAP.
Mr Koniditsiotis said the Entry Options initiative opens the door for transport operators to present their existing In-Vehicle Units (IVUs) for assessment by TCA, for use in the IAP and TCA are working with IAP Service Providers to develop flexible pricing options – for transport operators that occasionally load to Higher Mass Limits (HML).
“The industry has told us that – for many operators – only a small proportion of vehicle trips are loaded to HMl [so] the occasional productivity gains from HML are therefore not always
sufficient to cover the monthly cost of IAP enrolment,” he said.
“However, transport operators are looking to have the capability to load to HML – when they need to do so.”
He said whileworking to make the IAP more flexible and cost effective for transport operators, none of this detracts from the assurances that the IAP provides to road managers, including Local Governments.
“In short, through the Entry Options initiative and the development of flexible pricing options, a greater number of transport operators will have the opportunity to benefit from the higher productivity access entitlements enabled through the IAP, while also meeting the needs of governments and road managers,” he said.